Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
Volume 21, Number 5 (1997)
Fire Resistance of Calabrian Pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) Wood Treated With Some Boron Compounds and/or Water Repellents
Pages 423-431
Impregnation Treatments and Anatomical Properties of the Wood of Regional Grown Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb) Franco)
M. Kemal YALINKILIÇ, Yalçın ÖRS, Nurgün AY, Ergün BAYSAL, and Zafer DEMİRCİ
Pages 433-444
Investigation of Wheat Yield, Root Growth in Previous Crops and Wheat in Two-Year Rotation System Under Ankara Conditions
Didar ESER, M. Sait ADAK, Günal AKBAY, Andreas BIESANTZ, Atilla ATALAY, and Paul LIMBERG
Pages 445-450
Effects of Innoculation, Planting Dates and Imbibition Duration on Some Agronomic Characters and Seed Yields of Soybean (Glycine max L.)
Nevzat USLU, Selim AYTAÇ, and Enver ESENDAL
Pages 451-456
Translog Production Function and an Application
Yaşar AKÇAY and Kemal ESENGÜN
Pages 457-462
Nitrate and Nitrite Contents of the Some Fruits Sold in Bazaars in Konya City
Mehmet ZENGİN and M. Şeref GÜLDEREN
Pages 463-468
Researches on Determinig the Optimum Watering Requirement and The Resistance to Treading Effect of Lippia Grass Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene Under the Growing Conditions of İzmir
Erhan KÜÇÜKBAŞ, Bülent ÖZKAN, Adnan KAPLAN, and Nihan Bulgun ASLAN
Pages 469-474
Moisture Adsorption Isotherms of Tarhana
Muharrem CERTEL and Mustafa Fatih ERTUGAY
Pages 475-479
Heterosis and Combining Ability Analysis in Some Turkish Tobacco Varieties
Metin KARA and Enver ESENDAL
Pages 481-485
An Investigation on In Vitro Regeneration Ability of Madder (Rubia tinctorum L.)
Gülhan ERCAN, Süer YÜCE, and Kenan TURGUT
Pages 487-491
A Preliminary Study on Conceptual Design and Framework of Spatial Database and Geographic Information Systems for Turkish Forestry
Pages 493-505
Color Changing Effects of Varnishes on the Wood Surfaces
Abdullah SÖNMEZ
Pages 507-511
Evapotranspiration of Pepper For Ankara Conditions
A. Halim ORTA
Pages 513-517
Clonal Selection in Kabaası Apricot Cv.
Yaşar AKÇA and Bayram Murat ASMA
Pages 519-521
Investigation on the Possibilities of Utilization of Geostatistical Technique in Soil Moisture Content and Bulk Density Determinations
İbrahim ORTAÇ and Aytekin BERKMAN
Pages 523-529

- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Sezai ERCİŞLİ Atatürk University
- Associate Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Müttalip GÜNDOĞDU Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University