Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
Volume 20, Number 5 (1996)
Bread Wheat Blending Research III. Improvement of Farinogram and Extensogram Properties of Some Bread Wheat Varieties by Blending
A. Naile KOÇAK and Ayhan ATLI
Pages 359-373
The Effects of Different Herbicides and Application Dates on Hay Yield and Botanical Composition of Meadows
Ahmet GÖKKUŞ and Ali KOÇ
Pages 375-382
Determination of Apropriate Concrete Mixtures in Concrete Lined Irrigation Canals Used in the Gap Region
Yıldırm KUMOVA, Osman ŞİMŞEK, Taner ALAGÖZ, Osman TEKİNEL, Hanifi TOKGÖZ, Halil KIRNAK, and Seyhan FIRAT
Pages 383-391
BNSSC Pulping of Beech Wood Chips (Fagus orientalis Lipsky)
M. Kemal YALINKILIÇ and Hüseyin KIRCI
Pages 393-401
Determination of the Some Working Characteristics on Skidd Rate in Combine Seed Drills
Yusuf ERPOLAT and Hüseyin ÖĞÜT
Pages 403-406
Regression Models for Predicting Bulk Density From Measured Soil Properties
Mesut AKGÜL and Nutullah ÖZDEMİR
Pages 407-413
Irrigation Scheduling for the Planned Crop-Pattern to be Grown in Daphan Plain of Erzurum by Means of Computer Techniques
Üstün ŞAHİN and Abdurrahman HANAY
Pages 415-423
Genotype Response to Haploid Embryo Induction with Pollination by Irradiated Pollens in Melon, Obtaining of Dihaploid Lines, Determination of Haploid and Diploid Plants by Different Techniques
Kazım ABAK, Nebahat SARI, Mustafa PAKSOY, Hale YILMAZ, Hakan AKTAŞ, and Candaş TUNALI
Pages 425-430
Accumulation of Capsidiol in the Pepper Fruits (Capsicum annuum L.) Inoculated with Some Biotic Elicitors
A. Sülün ÜSTÜN, Cumhur ÇÖKMÜŞ, and Sefa C. SAÇILIK
Pages 431-438
Optimization of Tractor Performance on Operating with Some Tillage Equipments
Pages 439-443
A Research on Chemical Composition of Tomato Pulpe
Feryal KARADENİZ and Aziz EKŞİ
Pages 445-448
A Study on the Possibility of Using the Tetrazolium and Germination Tests for the Detection of Irradiated Wheat
Süeda ÇELİK, Hamit KÖKSEL, and Halis BİLGE
Pages 449-453
Antisense RNA Technology
Pages 455-458
Morphogenetic and Ontogenetic Variability of Oil and Fatty Acids in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
İsmail TURGUT, Hasan BAYDAR, and Richard MARQUARD
Pages 459-462
Contamination of Copper, Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Aluminium During the Black Tea Process
A. Cihat KÜTÜK and Burhan KACAR
Pages 463-471

- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Sezai ERCİŞLİ Atatürk University
- Associate Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Müttalip GÜNDOĞDU Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University