Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
Volume 20, Number 4 (1996)
The Importance of Serum Creatine Kinase(CK),Aspartate Aminotransferase(AST) and Lactate Dehydrogenase(LDH) Activities in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Subclinic and Clinic White Muscle Disease in Lambs
Servet SEKİN, Hüseyin VOYVODA, Ayşegül BİLDİK, and Fatmagül YUR
Pages 225-230
Presence of Otobius megnini (Duges, 1883) in Cattle in Malatya
Edip ÖZER and Levent AYDIN
Pages 231-234
The Reversal of Arhythmias Induced by Experimentally Produced Hypercalcemia in Sheep, with Atropine, Caffeine, Verapamil
Ömer BOZDOĞAN, Kemal IRMAK, Tayfur BEKYÜREK, and Necati UTLU
Pages 235-239
Disribution of Helminths in Quails (Coturnix coturnix) and Partridges (Alectoris graeca) in the Vicinities of Elazig and Tunceli
Ergün KÖROĞLU and Erol TAŞAN
Pages 241-249
Detection of Brucella abortus Antibodies in Cows Milk of the Kars Area by ELISA and MRT
Medine GÜLLÜCE and Necdet LELOĞLU
Pages 251-255
Determination of Coliform and Fecal Coliform in the Surface Waters of the Kızılırmak River-Basin
Pages 257-260
Effects of Different Stocking and Lighting Regimes on Fattening Performance and Sexual Maturity of Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
Oktay YAZGAN, Saim BOZTEPE, Ayhan ÖZTÜRK, S. Sefa PARLAT, and Birol DAĞ
Pages 261-265
Pathological Evaluations of Experimental Cottonseed Poisoning in Mice
Pages 267-276
Investigations on Different Organization Models of Artificial Insemination Applications of Cattle and Fertility
Pages 277-282
Effects of Covering Ponds with Different Materials (Earthen, Nylon, Concrete, Gravel) on Growth, Survival and Feed Conversion Rates in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Özer AYIK and İhsan AKYURT
Pages 283-286
Comparing of the Maximum Likelihood (ML) and the Least Squares (LS) Methods in Terms of Variance Components for Unequal Numbers of Abservations in Subclasses
Hikmet ORHAN and Hayrettin OKUT
Pages 293-297
An Investigation on the Condition Factor of the Capoeta capoeta capoeta (Guldenstant, 1773) from the Çıldır Lake-Turkey
Ali Fuat CANBOLAT, Sedat V.YERLİ, and Nuray EMİR
Pages 299-301
An Investigation on the Condition Factor of the Chup (Leuciscus cephalus (Nordmann, 1840)) from the Çıldır Lake-Turkey
Sedat V.YERLİ, Ali Fuat CANBOLAT, and Mustafa ÇALIŞKAN
Pages 303-305
Gastro-Intestinal Nematodes and Seasonal Activities in Cattle in the Kars District
Şinasi UMUR
Pages 307-313

- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Mehmet BAŞALAN Kırıkkale University
- Associate Editors-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Nuh KILIÇ Aydın Adnan Menderes University
- Prof. Dr. Betül Zehra SARIÇİÇEK Ankara University