
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

Investigations on Different Organization Models of Artificial Insemination Applications of Cattle and Fertility






In this study, the effect of various organization models on the artificial insemination applications of cattle and fertility were researched. Total of 460 Holstein and Brown Swiss cows and heifers around Balıkesir - Manyas province were used. The materials were chosen among the cows and heifers which had no abnormal clinical symptoms genitally. In tour, telephone informing and synchronization systems 200, 200 and 60 materials were inseminated by rectovaginal method respectively. Pregnancies were examined 45 - 60 days after the inseminations by rectal pappation. In the synchronization programme, cows and heifers were injected with prostag landin F2-alpha (PGF2a) at 11 days intervals. Inseminations were applied by single injection 80 hours after the second PGF2a injection without heat detection. The length of the road in the tour program, including 25 villages, was about 180 kilometers. During the tour average of 15 materials were inseminated daily. The telephone informing programme, including 27 villages was also applied to the cows and heifers of the breeders around the Manyas province. In this programme the heats were detected and called by the owners. An appropriate insemination time was offered to the owners according to the time that heat was determined. In this system the materials, shown estrus and in the afternoon, were inseminated in the afternoon and in the morning respectively. The conception rates based on a single insemination were found as 54.5, 75.0 and 60.0 % for tour, telephone informing and synchronization programs respectively. Conception rates were found statistically significant among the groups by khi2 test (p


Artificial Insemination, Organization, Fertility

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