
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry

Author ORCID Identifier

ERKAN DENK: 0000-0002-2144-3316

RAZİYE KUL: 0000-0002-5836-6473

NESİBE KAFKAS: 0000-0003-3412-5971

HÜLYA ÜNVER: 0000-0003-3016-2249

ZÜHAL OKCU: 0000-0003-1900-5437

DOĞAN ERGÜN: 0009-0009-1747-4396

TAHANI ALAHMADI: 0000-0001-9842-8205

MOHAMMAD ANSARI: 0000-0002-8718-3078




This study aimed to define the aroma components, antioxidant activity, total phenol, and sugar contents of three geographicallyindicated dry beans: İspir Dry Bean, Narman Sugar Bean, and Hınıs Bean. Significant differences were found among three different drybeans in terms of total phenolic content, total antioxidant capacity (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil test), sugar content, and volatilecompounds. The total phenolic content ranged from 14.09 mg gallic acid equivalents per 100 g dry bean sample in Narman to 36.73 mgin Hınıs. The highest total antioxidant activity was observed in İspir Bean with 8.38%, while the lowest was in Narman Bean with 6.02%.Additionally, the total sugar contents of İspir, Narman, and Hınıs beans were determined to be 6.46%, 5.60%, and 4.22%, respectively.Forty different aroma volatiles, including 10 alcohols, five terpenes, 11 aldehydes, four esters, six acids and four ketones, were identifiedin the bean seed samples. Narman Bean had higher levels of total alcohols, total acids, and total esters compared to İspir and Hınıs beans,while İspir Bean had higher levels of total terpenes and total ketones and Hınıs Bean had higher levels of total aldehydes. Furthermore,PCA and heatmap analysis revealed that the dry beans were divided into two main groups and that Narman beans were separated fromİspir and Hınıs beans. In conclusion, this study showed that the geographically indicated İspir, Narman, and Hınıs dry bean varietiesdiffered from each other in terms of flavor and nutritive characteristics, including bioactive and volatile compounds.


Common bean, volatile compounds, total antioxidant, total phenol, PCA, heatmap

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