
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry

Author ORCID Identifier

GÜLAY BEŞİRLİ: 0000-0001-5084-6889




Shallots, a subspecies of onion, are considered the gourmet onion and are preferred especially in French and Asian cooking. Its unique taste and aroma especially being caramelized through heat treatment increases its importance for boutique restaurants and niche tables. This study examined the morphological, biochemical, and sensory properties of seven generatively (GMSY-2, GMSY-3, GMSY-4, GMSY-5, GMSY-6, GMSY-7, GMSY-8) and one vegetatively propagated (GMSY-1) shallot genotypes in 2021 and 2022. Sixteen morphological and fifteen biometric features of UPOV were used in characterization. Total phenolic content, total antioxidant capacity, and total monomeric anthocyanin and pyruvic acid contents were determined as biochemical markers. The data were evaluated with hierarchical clustering (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) methods. With sensory analysis, genotypes were compared in terms of pungency, aroma, crunchy, smell, consumption preferences and sensibility of the epidermis membrane. Results showed that leaf waxiness, bulb shape, shape of bulb base, tendency to split into bulblet, main colour of dry skin and time of harvest maturity may be utilized to discriminate shallot genotypes. As biometric characteristics, head weight varied between 21.67-93.82 g, and the smallest heads were obtained from the GMSY-1 genotype whereas the largest heads were obtained from the GMSY-7 genotype. The water-soluble solid content of the genotypes showed a significant variation (2.35-9.50%), the highest was determined in GMSY-2, GMSY-3 and GMSY-1 respectively, and the lowest was found in GMSY-8. According to the HCA results, four different main groups were formed in terms of biochemical and sensory characteristics. As a result of PCA, it was seen that the total variation consisted of the first two principal component axes, and the variation between biochemical contents and genotypes was 79.00%. The sensory analysis evaluation criteria findings highlighted the GMSY-8 genotype as promising.


Allium ascalonicum auct. Hort, biometric parameters, genetic resources characterization, shallot

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