
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry

Author ORCID Identifier

STEFANO ZEBONI: 0000-0003-2710-1074

MARCO FIORENTINI: 0000-0002-1101-7313

BIAGIO DI TELLA: 0009-0000-0147-7204

VESNA MILANOVIC: 0000-0001-8548-366X

ANDERA MARCELLI: 0000-0002-1441-5798

LUIGI LEDDA: 0000-0001-5337-5701

PAOLA ANTONIA DELIGIOS: 0000-0001-9724-2812

LUCIA AQUILANTI: 0000-0001-8898-2886

ROBERTO ORSINI: 0000-0002-1347-3566




Biostimulants can find application in sustainable agriculture contexts as they are regarded as inputs with minimal environmental impact. Microbial inoculants, when applied to the root systems of certain plant species, confer physiological and morphological benefits to the entire plant. In the present study, we focused on some morphometric parameters of the root system of two Crithmum maritimum L. spontaneous populations (Mediterranean and Atlantic). We compared the effects of two different (for number of strains) biostimulants on the weight, length, diameter and number of tips on the root system. The experiment was conducted within two types of controlled environments: i) an incubator in which seeds were placed in Petri dishes on Whatman filter paper and ii) a greenhouse in which seeds were placed in pots containing seeding substrate. Under incubator conditions, the biostimulant application showed, on average, a stimulating effect on the analyzed root parameters. Specifically, it resulted in an increase in weight by approximately 85%, diameter by 25%, and length by about 128% compared to the control. Similarly, under greenhouse conditions, the biostimulant application showed favorable effects on the analyzed root variables, exhibiting an increase in root weight by approximately 66%, diameter by 25%, length by about 75%, and tips number by 56% compared to the control. The present study suggests the potential use of biostimulants during the nursery phases of production to ease the establishment of alternative crops such as Crithmum maritimum in cropping systems for which it is necessary to implement the agronomic technique and to encourage rapid colonization in contexts otherwise at risk of desertification.


microbial inoculants, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, sea fennel, root parameters

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