
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry




In this study, the combined ability effects and heterosis were determined for number of days to anthesis (AT), plant height (PH), fertile tillers plant^{–1} (FT), spike length (SL), spikelets spike–1 (SS) and grains spike–1 (GS), 1000-kernel weight (TW), and grain yield plant^{–1} (GY) of 4 triticale genotypes [Karma (G1), Presto (G2), Ayşehanım (G3), and Mehmetbey (G4)] and their 6 F_1 offspring. The mean squares of general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were statistically significant for all traits. According to the GCA/SCA, additive gene effects were found for all traits. According to the desired values for traits on the basis of GCA and SCA, parents G1 were good general combiners for 3 traits, G3 for 6, and G4 for 6. Crosses G1 × G2 were good specific combiners for 3 traits, G1 × G3 for 3, G1 × G4 for 3, G2 × G3 for 5, G2 × G4 for 6, and G3 × G4 for 4. Heterosis and heterobeltiosis were –16.78% and –25.71% for AT, –1.66% and –11.02% for PH, 34.25% and 9.87% for FT, 14.62% and 11.44% for SL, 8.09% and 3.87% for SS, 4.57% and 0.91% for GS, 9.67% and 6.13% for TW, and 30.36% and 9.11% for GY, respectively. The results revealed that G2 × G3 and G2 × G4 combinations could be recommended for improved yield of triticale.


Combining ability, heterosis, triticale, yield, yield component

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