
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry


The present study examined the bending moment capacity and rigidity of T-type out-of-plane furniture joints and investigated the effects of heat treatment, wood species, and joint type factors on these joints. Heat treatment method clearly decreased the modulus of rupture (MOR) and the modulus of elasticity (MOE) of selected wood species. The bending strength of wood samples was reduced after the heat treatment, decreasing with increased loss of mass. For the heat-treated T-type joints, maximum bending strength values were obtained with Iroko (Chlorophora excelsa) for both mortise and tenon (MT) joints and blind MT (BMT) joints. The lowest reduction in bending strength was observed in Ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) constructed with MT joints and with BMT joints. In general, the BMT joint had higher bending strength than MT joints. The best rigidity constant (7.21) was obtained with control Iroko BMT joints, while the worst rigidity constant (15.10) was obtained with control Oriental spruce (Picea orientalis L.) MT joints. In terms of heat-treated samples, the best rigidity constant (7.59) was obtained with Black pine (Pinus nigra L.) MT joints, while the worst rigidity constant (14.01) was obtained with Oriental spruce BMT joints. The maximum performance in joint stiffness was determined for Iroko sample BMT joints and Iroko MT joints. Lowest reduction in joint stiffness was observed in Scotch pine MT joints and Ash BMT joints. Heat treatment, wood type, and joint type had a significant effect on the bending strength of T-type MT post-rail joints. BMT joints produced from heat-treated Iroko wood can be considered as the most durable T-type joint for outdoor sitting furniture construction.




Bending moment capacity, joining, heat treatment, wood, rigidity

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