
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry




This study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between some fungi species and black point incidence and the effect of black point on seed weight, germination percentage, seedling emergence, seedling establishment, number of embryonic roots, and coleoptile length under field conditions in bread wheat. In this research, black-pointed and black point-free kernel samples of 5 bread wheat cultivars, namely Ceyhan-99, Doğankent-1, Yüreğir-89, Seyhan-95, and Adana-99 - commonly grown under the agroclimatic conditions of Çukurova Region, were used. Isolations from the black point-affected and black point-free kernels indicated that Alternaria spp. are the predominant fungi, followed by Chaetomium sp and Aspergillus niger. Epicoccum sp and Sclerotium sp were of minor importance. Discoloured kernels were heavier than normal ones. Germination percentage, seedling emergence, and seedling establishment under field conditions were reduced by the black pointed seeds, whereas number of embryonic roots and coleoptile length were not affected by black point.


Bread wheat, black point, fungi, germination

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