
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry


In this study, 6 comparative indicators for the assessment of irrigation system performance were applied to 12 irrigation schemes, which were components of the Southeastern Anatolian Project, for the period 1997-2001. The output per unit cropped area, output per unit command, output per unit irrigation supply, output per unit water consumed, relative water supply and irrigation ratio were calculated as 1223-9436 $ ha^{-1}, 308-5771 $ ha^{-1}, 0.12-2.16 $ m^{-3}, 0.45-2.92 $ m^{-3}, 1.00-5.90, and 7-100%, respectively. ANOVA test results indicated that among the schemes the differences in the output per unit cropped area, output per unit irrigation supply, output per unit water consumed and relative water supply were not statistically significant but that the differences in output per unit command and irrigation ratio were statistically significant. For efficient and rational irrigation management, an information system for monitoring and evaluation which encompasses all stakeholders, should be set up and irrigation scheduling should be designed.




Irrigation scheme, comparative indicators, standardized gross value of production, relative water supply, irrigation ratio

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