Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
Forest productions are very difficult, expensive and time consuming. In the Black Sea Region, forests cover generally high and steep slopes of mountainous areas. Therefore, the problems of forestry production studies are gaining in importance. In forestry production studies, the absence of mechanization level and its application causes qualitative and quantitative losses. In this study, the time required for felling and skidding operations in winter were determined and factors affecting logging were observed and recorded. The data obtained were later analyzed. According to this study, productivity at winter harvesting for felling operations is 1,948 m^3/h, for skidding with human power it is 1,151 m^3/h and for skidding by MB Trac 900 it is 5,871 m^3/h for an average hauling distance of 250m up to the nearest forest road. Furthermore, it was determined that qualitative and quantitative losses in productions decreased. The result obtained in this study can be used in planning logging, controlling and determining the forest workers' wages fairly.
Black Sea Region, Winter Harvesting, Quality and Quantity Losses
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ACAR, HAFIZ HULUSİ and DİNÇ, BİLAL (2001) "An Investigation of Winter Harvesting on Steep Terrain in Forestry," Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: Vol. 25: No. 2, Article 9. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/agriculture/vol25/iss2/9