Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of three rootstocks on yield and some fruit properties in apple cultivars grown in Erzincan plain for two successive years. In both years the highest fruit weights were recorded in seedling rootstocks (158.2 g and 170.1 g). The effect of the rootstocks on fruit height in 1995 and 1996 was significant but the effect on fruit diameter was not. The highest fruit height (67.14 and 68.89 mm) and fruit diameter (72.40 and 73.69 mm) were obtained in seedling rootstocks. The effects of rootstocks on fruit firmness were inconsistent in both years. Fruit firmness was the highest on MM 111 rootstock (3.22 kg/cm2) in 1995 and on seedling root- stock (3.10 kg/cm2) in 1996. Generally, it was determined that the highest TSS content was in MM 106 rootstocks (14.03% and 14.68%) while the lowest TSS content was in seedling rootstocks (13.32% and 14.22%). MM 106 rootstock generally increased fruit acidity content.
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ERCİŞLİ, SEZAİ; GÜLERYÜZ, MUHARREM; and PAMİR, MÜRÜVVET (2000) "Effect of Different Rootstocks on Fruit Characteristics of Some Apple Cultivars," Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: Vol. 24: No. 5, Article 1. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/agriculture/vol24/iss5/1