Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
In the Bursa plain, Regosols are extensively cultivated soils for horticultural crops and irrigated by water from aquifers. These soils are quite widespread on the west side of the plain and developed on different types of parent materials. This research was carried out to determinate genesis and classification of the Regosols developed on calcareous colluvium material. Five soil profiles were examined in this research and their characterization included field morphology and physico-chemical analysis. The soils were classified according to the systems of FAO/Unesco (1990), FitzPatrick (1988), and USDA Soil Taxonomy (1994). The soils show high sand and calcium carbonate contents increasing with depth.
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AYDINALP, CUMHUR (2000) "Characterization of Some Regosols in the Bursa Plain," Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: Vol. 24: No. 4, Article 13. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/agriculture/vol24/iss4/13