Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
This study was conducted to determine the annual variations in crude protein, crude cellulose, P, K, Ca and Mg contents, and the ratio of K/(Ca+Mg) of crested wheatgrass, subalpine brome, sheep fescue, junegrass, needlegrass, hybrid alfalfa and cat thyme in Erzurum rangelands, during the 1994 growing season. Crude protein, P, Mg and K contents steadily decreased toward to end of the growth stage although cellulose content increased. Ca content increased until blooming stage in all plants. Plant leaves had richer nutrient contents than the stems in all growing periods. The K/(Ca+Mg) ratio was high at the beginning of the vegetative stage especially in grasses, but quickly decreased after stem elongation.
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BAKOĞLU, ADİL; GÖKKUŞ, AHMET; and KOÇ, ALİ (1999) "Variation in Biomass and Chemical Composition of Dominant Rangeland Plants During the Growing Season II. Changes in Chemical Composition," Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: Vol. 23: No. 8, Article 31. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/agriculture/vol23/iss8/31