
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry




In this research, the effect of green manure crops of legumes such as horsbean, mixture of horsbean+vetch, alexandrie klee, fenugreek on grain yield and some agronomical characters of maize grown on different nitrogen doses (0, 12 and 24 kg N da ^-1) were investigated. Also, dry matter of nodule, root and biomass of above ground and total amount of N were determined. According to the resulting two years, the total amount of N fixed to the soil by the way of nodule, root and biomass of above ground was between 27.5-38.8 kg da^-1. Also it was determined that maize could be grown using less nitrogen fertilizer after the application of green manure. The grain yields of maize applied 24 kg N da^-1 and 12 kg N da^-1 after the growth of wheat were 1055 kg da^-1 and 1141 kg da^-1 respectively. The grain yields of maize applied 12 kg N/da^-1 after the growth of mixture of horsbean+vetch, fenugreek and horsbean and alexandria klee were 1141, 1122, 1124, 1207 kg da^-1 respectively. It was determined that after the application of green manure, maize could be sown earlier than the crop system of wheat+maize cultivated commonly in Çukurova region.

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