
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry




In this reseacrh, questionnaire form including eight different question was subjected to forestry product enterprises. For this purpose, forestry products industry sector classified into seven groups (timber, chipboard, fiberboard, veneer, plywood, furniture, paper) and in timber, furniture and paper industry, the big-scale enterprises and in the all other enterprises was taken into account. According to the research results, govermental enterprises supply all of required raw material from General Directorate of Forest (OGM), but private sector enterprises only small. Paper production enterprises in private sector are not able to supply raw material from OGM. 48 percent of enterprises supplying raw material from OGM are not satisfied with the size of raw material. 83 percent of industry of Forestry product enterprises face with difficulty with supplying raw material and the main difficuties are the quality problem with 61 percent and proper with 22 percent. Besides, 51 percent of enterprises can not store raw materials and 58 percent of this is caused by capital districts.

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