
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry


In the research conducted in the fields of Field Crops Department of Faculty of Agriculture of Ege University, Bornova, İzmir, Turkey in 1993-94 and 1994-95, the effects of cutting treatments [a. uncut control, b. cutting at Zadoks stage 25 (main stem and 5 tillers), c. cutting at Zadoks stage 30 (at the end of tillering, pseudostem erection), and d. cutting at Zadoks stage 31 (first node detectable) ] on the seed yield and some yield components of two bread wheat cultivars (Cumhuriyet-75 and Menemen-88) were investigated. There weren't significant differences on the spike numbers per square meter, seed numbers per spikelet, aboveground yield and seed yield between the cultivars, whereas there were significant differences on plant height, spikelet numbers per spike, 1000 seed weight and dry matter yield. The seed yields were 375 and 365 kg/da for Cumhuriyet-75 and Menemen-88, respectively. Cutting treatments significantly affected the all characteristics excluding the spikelet numbers per spike and the seed numbers per spikelet. Cutting at Zadoks stage 31 significantly decreased the seed yield. Uncut treatment and cutting at Zadoks stages 25 and 30 gave similar seed yields. These results indicated that the wheat could be cut until end of the tillering so it enables wheat which grows early during the warm winter season, to avoid from the damage of last frost.



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