Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
Volume 22, Number 6 (1998)
Response to Inoculation and Sowing Date of Soybean Under Bafra Plain Conditions in the Northern Region of Turkey
Nevzat USLU and Enver ESENDAL
Pages 525-532
Cultivar, Weed and Row Spacing Effects on Some Agronomic Characters of Safflower ( Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Spring Planting
Nevzat USLU, Ali AKIN, and M. Basri HALİTLİGİL
Pages 533-536
Drug Yield and Essential Oil of Thymus vulgaris L. as in Influenced by Ecological and Ontogenetical Variation
Mensure ÖZGÜVEN and Sezen TANSI
Pages 537-542
Investigations on Repellent and Insecticidal Effects of Xanthium strumariumL. on Colorado Potato Beetle Leptinotrasa decemlineataSay (Col: Chrysomelidae)
Pages 543-552
Anther Culture Potential of Linseed ( Linum usitatissimumL.):Effects of Genotypes and Pretreatment on CallusFormation and Differentiation
Orhan KURT and Gareth. M. EVANS
Pages 553-560
Response of Apis mellifera syriacaand A. m. armeniacatoNectar Variations: Implications for Agriculture
İbrahim ÇAKMAK, Harrington WELLS, and Çetin FIRATLI
Pages 561-572
A Study on the Lipase-Catalayzed Esterification in Organic Solvent
Mustafa Ümit ÜNAL
Pages 573-578
Studies on the Effectiveness of Spreader-Sticker Added DiniconazoleAgainst Rust ( Phragmidium mucronatum(Pers) Schlecht)on Oil-Bearing Roses in Isparta Province
H. Murat AKSOY and Y. Zekâi KATICIOĞLU
Pages 579-584
Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization on the Yield and NutrientStatus of Rice Crop Grown on Artificial Siltation Soil From the Kelkit River
A. Reşit BROHİ, M. Rüştü KARAMAN, Arif AKTAS, and Erdinç SAVAŞLI
Pages 585-592
Determination of the Utilization of Nitrogen FromTobacco Waste By Wheat Crop With ^15 N Tracer Technique
A. Reşit BROHİ, M. Rüştü KARAMAN, and Akgün AYDENIZ
Pages 593-600
The Opportunities of Using Mushroom Compost Waste in StrawberryGrowing
Ahsen Işık ÖZGÜVEN
Pages 601-608
Host Penetration and Infection by the Anastomosis Groups ofRhizoctonia solaniKühn Isolated from Potatoes
Erkol DEMİRCİ and M. Timur DÖKEN
Pages 609-614
Assessment of Response to Drought Stress of Chickpea(Cicer arietinumL.) Lines Under Rainfed Conditions
Cengiz TOKER and M. İlhan ÇAĞIRGAN
Pages 615-622
Influence of Natural Zeolite on Performance of Laying Hens and Egg Quality
Ergin ÖZTÜRK, Güray ERENER, and Musa SARICA
Pages 623-628

- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Sezai ERCİŞLİ Atatürk University
- Associate Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Müttalip GÜNDOĞDU Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University