
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry




In this research, a total of 48 Pseudomonas had been isolated using PseudomonasCN and CFC Agar, Pseudomonas P(King A) and PseudomonasF(King B) and Crystal Violet Tetrazolium Agar (CVT) from 200 raw milk samples. Of 48 isolated Pseudomonas, (41.66%) 20 have been named as P. fluorescens, (22.51%) 11 as P. aeruginosa,22.91%) 11 as P. putida, (4.16%) 2 as P. aurefa-ciens, (6.25%) 3 as P. pseudomallei, (2.08%) 1 as P. cepacia. When the distribution of Pseudomonas species has been evaluated according to the seasons, P. fluorescens biotip I and II have been detected in summer seasons while P. fluorescens biotip III has been detected in winter and spring. The species of P. putida, P. aurefa-ciens, P. pseudomallei and P. cepacia have been isolated in spring and summer seasons, on the other hand, the isolation of P. aerug-inosa had been detected in all seasons.

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