
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry


This study was conducted in order to investigte the effect of field emergence levels with and without thinning on the root yield and quality of sugarbeet (cv. Eva) on the Experimental Farm of Turkish Sugar Factories Corporation in Pasinler Plateau (Erzurum) in 1992 and 1993. The experiment comparied two intra-row spacings (8 cm and 15 cm within rows), thinning (thinned and nonthinned) and three emergence levels (60, 50 and 35 %). Emergence levels were obtained by mixing seed with 0, 20 and 40 % dead seed material. Row spacing was 45 cm apart in all treatments. Laboratory germination was 90, 72 and 54 % in seed, respectively with corresponding field emergence rates of 60, 50 and 35 %. When emergence level was about 50-60 %, there was no difference between the treatments of nonthinning sown with 15 cm within row spacing and thinning sown with 8 cm within row spacing in term of root yield, sugar content, dry-matter, clear juice purity, amino-N, Na and white sugar content. When field emergence percentage decreased to 35 %, the differences between nonthinning sown in 15 cm intervals and thinning sown in 8 cm intervals, yield and quality significantly (P



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