Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
Volume 22, Number 3 (1998)
A Comparison of Some Maize Inbred Lines and Their Testcrosses Under the Second CropConditions
Semiha ÇEÇEN, Sadık ÇAKMAKÇI, and İsmail TURGUT
Pages 209-214
Stem Volume Table of Alder (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn subsp. barbata (C.A. Mey.) Yalt.
Pages 215-226
Variations in Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Copper, Zinc and Manganese Contents of Wheat andRice Varieties Under Salt Stress
Mehmet ALPASLAN, Aydın GÜNEŞ, Süleyman TABAN, İbrahim ERDAL, and Ceyhan TARAKCIOĞLU
Pages 227-234
Frankfurter Type Sausage Production with Sunflower Oil Substitution
A. Hamdi ERTAŞ and Gülay KARABAŞ
Pages 235-240
Functional Analysis of Agricultural Income on Agricultural Farms of Çarsamba Province
Hüseyin Avni CİNEMRE and Vedat CEYHAN
Pages 241-250
Functional Analysis and Calculating the Production Cost of Winter Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) on the Farms of Akyurt District of Ankara Province
Pages 251-260
Characteristics of Polyphenol Oxidase in Hale Haven Paches
Pages 261-266
Studies on Antifungal Effects of Some Plant Extracts In Vitro
Hüseyin TÜRKÜSAY and Ersin ONOĞUR
Pages 267-272
The Present Situation of Commercial Mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus) Growing and SomeSuggestions on the Improvement of Production Buildings and Complication at Black SeaRegion
Yusuf DEMİR and Aysun UZUN
Pages 273-280
The Effects of the Grafting Time and Types on The Success of the GraftedGrapevine Production By Grafting Under Nursery Condition
Hüseyin ÇELİK and Ferhat ODABAŞ
Pages 281-290
The Effects of One and Two Year-Old Seedling Rootstocks on Nursery Trees Development inApricot
S. Zeki BOSTAN and Ali İSLAM
Pages 291-294
A Research on the Development of Ovule in Some ImportantHazelnut Cultivars
Pages 295-298
A Biologycal Research on the Single Cell Protein Yeast (Eprin) Grown on Ethly AlcoholMedium
Sahibe ÇALIŞKANER, Necmettin CEYLAN, Yusuf KONCA, Ramazan DEMİREL, Muzaffer ÇÖRDÜK, and Ümit MİLLİ
Pages 299-304
Determinations of Microbiological Activity, Organic Matter and Nitrogen Forms in Soil in the Different Soil Tillage, Fallow-Wheat....
M. Sait ADAK, Andreas BIESANTZ, and Velittin GÜRGÜN
Pages 305-312

- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Sezai ERCİŞLİ Atatürk University
- Associate Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Müttalip GÜNDOĞDU Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University