Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
Bean Root-Rot Disease Incidence and Severity in Samsun and Fungi Associated With Bean Roots and Soils
Root rot disease is widespread throughout bean growing areas in Samsun province. it was found. in this study. that the incidence of the disease was 92 % and severity was 63 % in Samsun. The most common fungi isolated from the infested root and soil samples were Fusarİum spp.. multinucleate Rhİzoctonİa solanİ (MNR) and binucleate Rhİzoctonİa-Iİke fungi (BNR) and Fusarİum species. pythİum spp. and Rhizoctonia group fungi were isolated also from the inner parts of the province and from the coastal area. while Pythİum spp. were only isolated from the Iatter area. The great majority of the samples (59.4 %) yielded more than one fungi together, indicating that the disease was mainly caused by the complex of fungi.
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HATAT, Gürsel and ÖZKOÇ, İbrahim (1997) "Bean Root-Rot Disease Incidence and Severity in Samsun and Fungi Associated With Bean Roots and Soils," Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: Vol. 21: No. 6, Article 10. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/agriculture/vol21/iss6/10