Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry
Investigations on the Bio-Ecologic Criteria For Prediction and Warning in Controlling Yellow Weed (Boreava orientalis Jaub. Et Spach) in Wheat Fields
In this study, bio-ecologic criteria were researched to establish data to develop models for prediction and warning systems in control measures of yellowweed (Boreava orientalis Jaub. et Spach.), the most important weed of wheat fields in Central Anatolia region. In regional conditions, the interactions of the plant emergence, flowering and seed falling dates with the climatical conditions were researched. Results were obtained related with the seed falling rates during wheat harvest, viability rates, dormancial status of the seeds kept for 1, 6, 12 and 24 months in laboratorial conditions or in various soil depths, and effect of beneficial soil humidity on seedling emergence. In addition, In wheat-fallow fixed plots, observations were made from plant emerging until seed falling (wheat harvest) for three years, and normal death rates occured during cotyledon, seedling and flowering stages were determined, and from data obtained, future population predictions were studied.
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TAŞTAN, Baki; YILDIRIM, Ayşegül; and DEMİRCİ, Ahmet (1997) "Investigations on the Bio-Ecologic Criteria For Prediction and Warning in Controlling Yellow Weed (Boreava orientalis Jaub. Et Spach) in Wheat Fields," Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: Vol. 21: No. 2, Article 13. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/agriculture/vol21/iss2/13