
Turkish Journal of Zoology

Author ORCID Identifier

NIA KURNIAWAN: 0000-0001-7383-8742

NOVITA WARDANI: 0009-0003-0317-3134

NOVIYANI UTAMI: 0009-0006-9735-7664

MUHAMMAD RIJALULLAH: 0000-0002-2136-2698

MIFTAH ASSIDDIQY: 0000-0002-0155-9207

AWANG GITAYANA: 0009-0001-4426-4847

HARTONO HARTONO: 0009-0009-7024-0054

MUHAMMAD FATHONI: 0000-0001-6500-9995

ANDREAS HARDIAN: 0000-0002-2705-2412




As a sea turtle conservation area, Alas Purwo National Park (APNP) shows different patterns in the four species of turtles thathave nesting records, such as an increase in Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), stability in Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas), anda decline in Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). During the survey, which lastedfrom January to July 2023, we discovered that each type of sea turtle preferred nesting sites at specific hypothetical stations, except forthe L. olivacea, which nested at all hypothetical stations along Pancur-Cungur Coast. We also discovered that it is highly encouragedto continue relocations that have already been carried out, given the variety of predators encountered during the survey period. Thisdiscovery supports the need for in situ conservation at preferred sites for sea turtle species.


Alas Purwo National Park, Conservation practice, nesting, sea turtle

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