
Turkish Journal of Zoology




The scorpion venom consisting of a pair of gland connected to telson has great importance for their survival, assisting in feeding and self-defense. Scorpion venoms are a complex mixture of inorganic salts, free amino acids, heterocyclic components, peptides and proteins. The present study aimed to identify telson components of four scorpion species Leiurus quinquestriatus, Androctonus amoreuxi, Orthochirus innesi and Buthacus leptochelys. Five telsons separated from four species of scorpions were preserved in 100% ethanol, homogenized in acetonitrile, centrifuged and sonicated as preparation of gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. The present study indicated variations in the number and types of amino acids, fatty acids derivatives and neurotoxin in the four scorpion species. The four species of scorpions are included: L. quinquestriatus which has 14 amino acids, 15 fatty acids and 17 neurotoxic compounds; A. amoreuxi which has 8 amino acids, 13 fatty acids and 4 neurotoxic compounds; O. innesi which has 10 amino acids, 16 fatty acids and 6 neurotoxic compounds; B. leptochelys which has 6 amino acids, 19 fatty acids and 5 neurotoxic compounds were recorded. In conclusion, concentrations of amino and fatty acids derivatives and neurotoxic compounds showed differences among the four scorpion species. Furthermore, in all scorpion species, acetamide had the highest percentage as neurotoxin, and the highest level of neurotoxins was found in L. quinquestriatus, indicating this species may be the most venomous ones.


Amino acids, fatty acids, neurotoxin, telson, scorpions

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