Turkish Journal of Zoology
The histochemical and ultrastructural effects of cadmium (Cd) on the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of male mice were investigated. Two doses of Cd (0.1 and 1.0 x 10^{-4} M) were injected into the mice. The animals were killed at the end of 48 h and their EDL muscles excised. Three types of fibers (I, IIA and IIB) were described by the succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) method in the control groups. The mitochondrial and sarcotubular contents of the fibers were different. The histochemical and ultrastructural characteristics of the EDL muscles in mice given Cd did not differ from those of the controls. Therefore, the results of this application are not given separately. However, the high dose of Cd (1.0 x 10^{-4} M) caused an increase in the SDH activity in all types of muscle fibers. In addition, ultrastructural alterations of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, a reduction in energetic reserves (lipid droplets, glycogen) (types I and IIA) and myofibrillar degenerations were detected. Grain-like deposits were also observed in the cytoplasm of type IIB fibers.
Cadmium, EDL muscle, Mice, SDH, Ultrastructure, Cytopathology
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GEYİKOĞLU, FATİME; TEMELLİ, AYSEL; VURALER, ÖZGEN; and TÜRKEZ, HASAN (2005) "The Histochemical and Ultrastructural Effects of Cadmium on Mouse EDL Muscle," Turkish Journal of Zoology: Vol. 29: No. 3, Article 14. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/zoology/vol29/iss3/14