Turkish Journal of Zoology
In the course of examining rumen contents obtained from 8 domestic goats (Capra hircus L.) from the south-east of Turkey, a new ciliate species Entodinium salmani n.sp. (Entodiniidae, Entodiniomorphida) and 4 formae [E. salmani salmani n.sp., n.f., E. salmani monospinosum n.sp., n.f., E. salmani bispinosum n.sp., n.f., E. salmani trispinosum n.sp., n.f.] were distinguished. The main characteristics of these species and formae are described in detail and compared with those of similar ones previously reported.
Entodinium salmani n.sp., New Rumen Ciliates, Capra hircus L., Turkey
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GÖÇMEN, BAYRAM and RASTGELDİ, SAMİYE (2004) "A New Rumen Ciliate from the Turkish Domestic Goat (Capra hircus L.): Entodinium salmani n.sp. (Entodiniidae, Entodiniomorphida)," Turkish Journal of Zoology: Vol. 28: No. 4, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/zoology/vol28/iss4/3