Turkish Journal of Zoology
Data on the abundance, reproduction, diet and damage index of the soft-furred field rat Millardia meltada were collected during the rice and wheat seasons. The abundance of Millardia meltada remained high at the post-harvest stage of the rice and wheat crops. The ploughing of fields did not affect the abundance of Millardia. The mean annual prevalence of pregnancy was 50% and the mean embryonic litter size 6.2 ± 0.4. Millardia continued to eat wheat and rice grains over a long period even when there was no crop standing in the fields. The damage indices in rice and wheat crops were 17.8 and 28.3% respectively.
Millardia meltada, abundance, reproduction, diet, rice, wheat, Punjab
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LATHIYA, SHAHER BANO; KHOKHAR, ABDUL RAUF; and AHMED, SYED MUZAFFAR (2003) "Population Dynamics of Soft-Furred field rat, Millardia meltada, in Rice and wheat Fields in Central Punjab, Pakistan," Turkish Journal of Zoology: Vol. 27: No. 2, Article 8. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/zoology/vol27/iss2/8