Turkish Journal of Zoology
In this study, the status of the sea turtle population of Belek Beach, which is within the boundaries of Antalya province, was investigated during the 1996 and 1997 breeding seasons. 153 nests were recorded, 134 of which hatched (87.6%) and from these nests 6295 hatchlings were able to reach the sea in 1996. 168 nests were recorded in 1997, 136 of which hatched (80.9%) and from these nests 7082 hatchlings were able to reach the sea. The nest density was recorded as 9.1 nests/kilometer in 1996 and as 9.9 nests/kilometer in 1997. The average clutch size was 78 for both years. The average body measurements taken from 15 adult females were SCL: 69.4 cm (±5.66 cm), SCW: 53 cm (±6.50 cm). The average body measurements taken from 851 hatchlings were SCL: 4.13 cm (±0.202 cm), SCW: 3.14 cm (±0.208 cm). The average weight taken from 425 hatchlings were 15.7 g (±1.66 g).
Belek Beach, Caretta caretta, Nest, Emergence, Hatchling
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SAK, SERDAR and BARAN, İBRAHİM (2001) "Research on the Sea Turtle Population of Belek Beach," Turkish Journal of Zoology: Vol. 25: No. 4, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/zoology/vol25/iss4/3