Turkish Journal of Zoology
An Investigation on Parasitic Helminths of Rana macrocnemis Boulenger, 1885 (Uludağ Frog)
In this study we have examined Rana macrocnemis Boulenger, 1885 (UludaÛ frog) between 28.05.1995 and 05.07.1995. During this investigation we have recorded 6 helminth spp.: Polystoma sp. (Monogenea), Pleurogenes claviger, Gorgoderina vitelliloba, (Digenea), Oswaldocruzia filiformis Cosmocerca sp. (Nematoda), Acanthocephalus ranae (Acanthocephala). All species recorded are new for Turkey.
Rana macrocnemis, Monogenea, Digenea, Namotoda, Acenthocephala.
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YILDIRIMHAN, Hikmet S.; UĞURTAŞ, İsmail H.; and ALTUNEL, F. Naci (1997) "An Investigation on Parasitic Helminths of Rana macrocnemis Boulenger, 1885 (Uludağ Frog)," Turkish Journal of Zoology: Vol. 21: No. 4, Article 14. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/zoology/vol21/iss4/14