Turkish Journal of Zoology
Some Biological Characteristics of Mullus barbatus ponticus Essipov, 1927 in the Eastern Black Sea Coast of Turkey
In this study, the following biological characteristics of Mullus barbatus ponticus Essipov, 1927, on the Black Sea coast, have been examined: sex distribution, growth in length and weight, growth rates, condition factor, and spawning period. It was concluded that M. barbatus ponticus showed age variation from I to VI, and the population is composed of 51.61 % males, 43.01 % females, and 5.38 % juveniles. The differences were statistically significant between mean lengths of females and males in age groups II, III, IV, V and IV (P
Eastern Black Sea, Mullus barbatus ponticus, Growth, Condition Factor.
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ŞAHİN, Temel and AKBULUT, Bilal (1997) "Some Biological Characteristics of Mullus barbatus ponticus Essipov, 1927 in the Eastern Black Sea Coast of Turkey," Turkish Journal of Zoology: Vol. 21: No. 2, Article 9. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/zoology/vol21/iss2/9