
Turkish Journal of Zoology

The Taxonomy and Distribution of Talpas (Mammalia: Insectivora) in the Blacksea Region




This study was done on 14 Talpa levantis Thomas, 1906 and 12 Talpa caucasica Satunin, 1908, all live specimens which were collected from the type localities and different geographical areas in the Blacksea Region. Specimens were investigated in detail on karyological, morphological and baculum properties. These properties were first compared with each other, and then with the topotype, karyological and morphological literature of the investigators in the same field. As a result of these comparisons, distribution areas of Talpa levantis and Talpa caucasica were recorded. Karyological and baculum properties of Talpa levantis and Talpa caucasica are given for the first time in this study.


Talpa (Mammalia: Insectivora), Taxonomy, Karyotype, Turkey.

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