
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences




Lambs were fed a diet containing 3% rapeseed oil (RO) (the RO diet), a diet with 2% RO and 1% fish oil (FO) (the FO diet), or diets with combined additions of 2% RO, 1% FO, 0.1% carnosic acid (CA) (the CA diet), and 0.35 ppm Se as selenized yeast (SeY) (the CASeY diet) or selenate (SeVI) (the CASeVI diet). The CASeVI diet most effectively increased the body mass gain of lambs, while it most efficiently decreased the liver mass. The CASeVI diet most efficiently reduced the concentration of cholesterol and the lipid peroxidation in the liver. The CA diet revealed a weaker protective effect against peroxidation damage and/or catabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) than the CASeY or CASeVI diet. Diets containing CA, especially with SeY or SeVI, stimulated the accumulation of tocopherols in the liver. Diets containing FO without/with CA, SeY, or SeVI stimulated the concentration of fatty acids in the liver, while they decreased the concentration of amino acids. Diets containing CA more efficiently stimulated the concentration of PUFAs than the RO and FO diets. The CA-supplemented diet with SeVI and especially that with SeY resulted in the highest increase in the concentration of PUFAs in the liver.


Selenized yeast, selenate, carnosic acid, fish oil, chemical composition of liver, lambs

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