
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences


Eight cows and 7 buffaloes with massive abdominal wall swellings were examined. The aim of the ultrasonographic study was to learn the contents of the abdominal wall swellings. They were divided into 4 groups: Group I (prepubic tendon rupture or hernia), Group II (fibrino-cystic swelling), Group III (abscess), and Group IV (inflammatory swelling). Palpation of the swelling in semidorsal recumbency, needle aspiration, or surgery was used to confirm the diagnosis. In animals of Groups I, II, and III, in the ultrasound, the muscles appeared to separate from the skin at the margin of swelling, thus creating a gap. In this gap, intestines or viscera were seen in Group I, fluid and fibrin shreds in Group II, and encapsulated cavity with uniform echogenic contents in Group III. Intact muscles were followed up to the hernial ring in Group I and throughout the swelling in Groups II and III. From the ultrasound, a gradual increase in the total abdominal wall thickness was observed in Group IV. To conclude, ultrasonography can differentiate hernia from fibrino-cystic, abscess, or inflammatory abdominal wall swellings in bovids.




Ultrasonography, hernia, abscess, fibrino-cystic swelling, bovine

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