
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences


Cardiac tumors account for a small proportion of all canine tumors, but hemangiosarcoma represents the most frequent cardiac tumor in many species. Hemangiosarcoma occur intrapericardially with pericardial effusion. In this case report, a retrospective study was conducted on 9 cases of canine hemangiosarcoma. In all the dogs the presence of a pericardial exudate was noted and in 5 cases it was the only lesion detected during the examination. All animals were subjected to necropsy and histopathology was performed in the heart, spleen, liver, kidney, and lung. In 5 cases the tumor was present exclusively in the atrial wall. In 4 cases it was present in the lumen of the right atrium. In 5 cases metastases were detected: in 2 cases to the lungs, in 2 cases to the spleen, and in a one case to the pericardium. The surgical procedure is difficult and may be effective in dogs in which no metastases have developed yet. In the remaining cases palliative therapy is the only option.




Dog, heart, hemangiosarcoma, tumor

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