Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
This research paper is aimed at estimating foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)-induced production losses in individual dairy and fattening cattle in Turkey. The data used were obtained from a Delphi Expert Opinion Survey. The weighted average FMD-induced financial losses for all breeds were estimated to be $294/head for a milking cow, $152/head for a dairy heifer and $197/head for beef cattle. However, the amount of financial loss varied across different breeds, ages, and sexes. The study findings suggest that culling Holstein breed cows, beef cattle, and Holstein and cross breed female calves, as soon as they have an FMD infection, would be economically viable for Turkish cattle producers.
Foot-and-mouth-disease, Delphi expert opinion survey, financial losses, cattle
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ŞENTÜRK, BERRİN and YALÇIN, CENGİZ (2008) "Production Losses Due to Endemic Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Cattle in Turkey," Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences: Vol. 32: No. 6, Article 6. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/veterinary/vol32/iss6/6