
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences




In this study Mentofin^® was used in commercial broiler chickens naturally exposed to infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and administered live Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccine to evaluate the ability of Mentofin^® to reduce Escherichia coli-related respiratory lesions, immunomodulate Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine response, change pharyngeal aerobic bacterial counts, and have certain impacts on specific production parameters. Mentofin^® was added to the drinking water (100 ml/500 l water) of broiler chickens aged between 3 and 5 days. ND and IBD vaccinations were administered via drinking water to 15-day-old chickens. NDV vaccination was given again when the chickens were 20 days old. No difference was found between the control and Mentofin^® groups regarding oropharyngeal aerobic bacterial counts. Acute IBD was diagnosed in both groups because the antibody levels were unprotective and varied widely. The mean NDV-hemagglutination inhibition antibody titers obtained with NDV vaccination in both groups were above the protective level, and the titers were considered uniform. The data showed that Mentofin^® was able to reduce the lesions caused by E. coli after NDV vaccination. Mentofin^® also reduced the rate of mortality in broilers with IBD interaction to the live NDV. In conclusion, Mentofin^® reduced both the occurrence of E. coli-related lesions and the mortality rate usually observed after administering live NDV to broilers with clinical IBD.


E. coli, chicken, IBDV, NDV vaccine, Mentofin

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