
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences


Animal nutrition is one of the important problems of people involved in animal breeding. It is essential that animals get sufficient and well-balanced nutrition to be healthy. Especially obtaining the necessary food elements from cheaper food sources becomes a major concern when ensuring sufficient and well-balanced nutrition in animal breeding. The Goal Programming Method is an improved method for solving multi-objective problems. In solving these types of problem, it cannot be expected that all the goals can be exactly obtained. The results of multi-objective problem solutions are affected by the decision of the manager or decision maker. Therefore, when there is a concession between goals, there will be deviations according to the decisions made. The direction and extent of these deviations play important roles in this type of problem. In spite of the main problems mentioned above, preparing the ideal ration with the lowest cost from the raw materials which can be obtained or the present supply is an important goal in mix feed production. The aim of this study was to use the Goal Programming Method to achieve the goal addressed in the problems which we face. In this study, the ammount of food elements necessary for rations used for cow nutrition (the weight of the cow was 500 kg, milk yield was 25 kg per day and the milk fat ratio was 0.04) was obtained using the Goal Programming Method. The ration taken into consideration was 1 kg and the food elements, which were used in the ration, were selected at random. The QM package programme was used for applying this method. Since the ration obtained didn't have any abnormal deviation from the determined goals, we conculuded that this method can be used for preparing rations.




Ration, Goal Programming, Animal Nutrition.

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