Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
132 intestine specimens belonging to small ruminants with suspected enterotoxaemia were sent to the Elazig Veterinary Control and Research Institute from Elazığ and the surrounding provinces in 1994-1998. In bacteriological examinations, it was found that 51 of the 132 specimens were positive and 81 negative. The toxin-neutralisation test was applied for diagnosis. The 51 enterotoxaemia cases were identified as 28 C.welchii Type D, 16 C.welchii Type C, 7 C.welchii Type A.
Sheep, Goat, Enterotoxaemia.
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ÖZCAN, CANAN and GÜRÇAY, METİN (2000) "Enterotoxaemia Incidence in Small Ruminants in Elazığ and the Surrounding Provinces in 1994-1998," Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences: Vol. 24: No. 3, Article 14. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/veterinary/vol24/iss3/14