Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
The mandibles of thirty-five German shepherd dogs without skeletal disorders were measured morphometrically. The length and the angle of the mandibles were measured and the correlation was determined between the female and male dogs. Mandible measurements increased with the age of the animals. In males, the value of the 1A and 2A angle was not statistically significant when considering age. In females, a decrease in the 1A and 5A angles was determined while no statistically significant value was determined in 2A, 3A and 4A with age. In conclusion, morphological observations and the results of the measurements have shown that German Shepherd dogs have no prognathism and brachygnatic mandible.
Morphometry, mandible, German shepherd dog
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ONAR, VEDAT; KAHVECİOĞLU, OYA; MUTUŞ, RIFAT; and ALPAK, HASAN (1999) "Morphometric Analysis of the Mandible in German Shepherd Dogs," Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences: Vol. 23: No. 8, Article 16. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/veterinary/vol23/iss8/16