
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of silicon on body weights and metabolisms of broilers. Therefore, day-old 30 broiler chicks were parted to 2 groups (15 control group and 15 experimental group). The broilers in control group were fed with the normal (without supplement) broiler diet, but the diet of broilers in experimental group was composed with supplementation of 300 mg/kg silicon as sodium metasilicate. All of the animals were fed ad libitum for 40 days. In 20th and 40th days of experimental period, the broilers were weighed and blood samples were taken from all of the animals in same days. Then, in obtained sera, ALP, CK, GGT, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, albumin, Ca, Pi, glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol and uric acid analyses were done. At the end of this research, it was shown that the levels of body weight, albumin, Ca and uric acid were not different in control and experimental groups in 20th and 40th days. However, ALP levels were found higher in experimental group than in control group in 20th day. In 40th day, this parameter was equalized in both groups because ALP levels increased with time in control group. This results may show the possitive effect of silicon on bone mineralization. It was determined that serum CK,GGT total bilirubin,direct bilirubin, triglyceride, cholesterol and uric acid levels decreased, but serum albumin, Pi and glucose levels increased with time in experimental group. These results may be an indicator of a liver degeneration that was caused by silicon.




Broiler, silicon, body weight, biochemical parameters.

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