Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
Volume 20, Number 3 (1996)
Fattaining Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Angora Goat male Kids in Intensive and Pasture Condition
Mehmet KOYUNCU, Erdoğan TUNCEL, and Numan AKMAN
Pages 157-161
Effect of Cumulus Cells on In Vitro Fertilization of Bovine Oocytes
Pages 163-167
The Molecular Character and Comparison with German EHV-1 Viruses of Equine Herpes Virus Isolated from izmit Region
Ahmet MENGİ, Martin PFEFFER, Hermann MEYER, Nikolaus ÖSTERRIEDER, O. Rüger KAADEN, and Fatma UYANIK
Pages 169-173
Activation of Pneumocystis carinii Infections in Experimentally Immunosupressed Laborotory Mice
Edip ÖZER, Yesari ERÖKSÜZ, Hatice ERÖKSÜZ, and Cem Ecmel SAKİ
Pages 175-180
Ultrasonographic Examination of Liver Gall Bladder in Cows
İbrahim CANPOLAT, M. Cengiz HAN, Mustafa KÖM, and Mehmet DİNÇ
Pages 181-184
The Effects of Selenium and Vitamin E on some Heamatological and Biochemical Values of Blood in Lambs
Mesut AKSAKAL, Mustafa NAZIROĞLU, and Mehmet ÇAY
Pages 185-190
Bacterial and Parasiter Agents in the Obliterated Sheep Livers and their Economical Losses in Elazig Slaugterhouse
Edip ÖZER, Celal ÖZCAN, Nurcan ARSLAN, Hakan KALENDER, and Muhammet ANGIN
Pages 191-201
The Effect of Urea and Niacin Addition in the Mixed Feed With Dried Sugar Beet Pulp on the Rumen Liquid and Blood Parameters
Murat DEMİREL and Duran BOLAT
Pages 203-210
Effects of Heat Stress on Some Egg Characteristics on Acid-Base Balance in Two lines of Japanese Quail, Unselected and Selected for four Week Body Weight
Özge ALTAN and İsmail OĞUZ
Pages 211-214
Haemoglobin- and Arylesterase- Types in Akkaraman and Anatolian Merino Breeds of Sheep
Sevinç ASAL, Gürsel DELLAL, and Şerife KOCABAŞ
Pages 215-217

- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Mehmet BAŞALAN Kırıkkale University
- Associate Editors-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Nuh KILIÇ Aydın Adnan Menderes University
- Prof. Dr. Betül Zehra SARIÇİÇEK Ankara University