
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences




To evaluate the role of perioperative freezing in the management of surgical procedures in patients with malignant renal masses. Materials and methods: The study group consisted of 17 patients diagnosed with renal masses who underwent nephron-sparing surgery. The group included 5 females and 12 males aged from 44 to 68 years (mean = 54.6). The mean mass size was 5.5 cm. Mass locations were as follows: 9 were in the lower pole, 4 were in the mid-pole, and 6 were in the upper pole. Perioperative freezing was not carried out. The patients were followed-up in a period ranging from 3 months to 7 years. Results: Tumor pathology was reported as renal cell carcinoma in all cases, and surgical margins were negative in all of them. One patient died after 1 year because of tumor metastasis. In another patient, the tumor reoccurred in the same kidney and a radical nephrectomy was performed. Other patients were followed without recurrence. Conclusion: Imaging of the renal vascular system and freezing during surgery is not necessary for nephron-sparing surgery for renal cell carcinoma; however, we should be careful in terms of capsule invasion because of tumor recurrence.


Frozen section, nephron sparing, renal cell carcinoma

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