Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences
Volume 29, Number 1 (1999)
The Effect of Fish Oil on Liver and Plasma MDA and Antioxidant Status of Rats
Nuriye METE, Birgül IŞIK, Levent ERDİNÇ, and Fuat GÜRKAN
Pages 1-6
Quantification of Total Collagen in Rabbit Tendonby the Sirius Red Method
Dilek TAŞKIRAN, Emin TAŞKIRAN, Hüseyin YERCAN, and Fatma Z. KUTAY
Pages 7-10
AgNORs, PCNA and Histologic Activity Index inChronic Liver Disease
Koray CEYHAN, İlkser AKPOLAT, İbrahim KOBAT, Nazan BOZDOĞAN, and Selim EREKUL
Pages 11-16
Diurnal Variation of MethotrexatePharmacokinetics in Adults With Osteosarcoma
Necdet SOYKAN, Mehtap ÇINAR, Cenk CAN, and Banu Çiçek BİLKAY
Pages 17-20
The Role of Plasma Endothelin-1 in Preeclampsia
Yalçın KİMYA, Candan CENGİZ, Hakan OZAN, Levent BÜYÜKUYSAL, Sami AYDIN, and Serhat TATLIKAZAN
Pages 21-24
Serum IL-6 and TNF-\alpha in Patients With Thyroid Disorders
Ahmet KIZILTUNÇ, Mahmut BASOĞLU, Bahattin AVCI, and İlyas ÇAPOĞLU
Pages 25-30
Interictal Spect With Tc 99m-HM PAO in MigrainePatients
Meral MİRZA, Ahmet TUTUŞ, Füsun ERDOGAN, Mustafa KULA, Ali TOMAR, Güler SILOV, and Emel KÖSEOĞLU
Pages 31-36
Serum D(-)-Lactate and Nitric Oxide (NO) Levels inAcute Intestinal Ischemia
Mahmut BASOĞLU, Ahmet BALIK, Ahmet KIZILTUNÇ, Fatih AKÇAY, and Selçuk Sabri ATAMANALP
Pages 37-40
Effect of Psychological Stress on Nasal Immunity
Erdal SEREN, Abdülcemal Ümit IŞIK, Mehmet İMAMOGLU, Osman BAHADIR, Mehmet Arif KÖROĞLU, and Yavuz TEKELİOĞLU
Pages 41-46
The assessment of anthropometrical measurements of newborns and the incidence of fetal malnutrition in Erzurum region
Zerrin ORBAK, Hüseyin TAN, Nevin SAĞSÖZ, and Fatih ZOR
Pages 47-50
Nosocomial Urinary Tract Infections in Children
Ayse BALAT and L. Leighton HILL
Pages 51-58
Genitourinary Abnormalities in Children with Urinary Tract Infections
Ayşe BALAT and L. Leighton HILL
Pages 59-64
Infectious Diseases Concomitant with Urinary Tract Infections in Children
Ayşe BALAT and L. Leighton HILL
Pages 65-68
Pupil Cycle Time in Children With Nocturnal Enuresis
Cengiz YAKINCI, Hamdi ER, Bülent MÜNGEN, Yaşar DURMAZ, and Hamza KARABİBER
Pages 69-70
A Case of Pheochromocytoma Manifested as Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema
Tuncer TUĞ, Necmi ÖZDEMİR, Vedat BULUT, Aziz KARAOĞLU, and M.Hamdi MUZ
Pages 71-74
Hydrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia(Associated With Numerous EnclusedPermanent Teeth Including a Primary Molar)
Ali Rıza ALPÖZ
Pages 75-80
Percutaneous Retrieval of Broken Port CatheterEntrapped in the Right Atrium
Ahmet MEMİŞ, İsmail ORAN, and Vahit ÖZENER
Pages 81-84

- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Murat KEKİLLİ Gazi University
- Associate Editors-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Selim ARICI Ondokuz Mayis University
- Prof. Dr. Kürşat ALTINBAŞ Selçuk University
- Prof. Dr. Zehra Sema ÖZKAN Kırıkkale University