Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
The Late Devonian Gümüşali formation of the eastern Taurides is a terrigenous-carbonate rock sequence about 600 m thick, consisting mainly of quartz sandstone, quartz siltstone, shale, and carbonate rocks. Palaeontologic and sedimentologic data mainly indicate a shallow subtidal depositional environment. This sequence generally represents the shallow-water polygnathid-icriodid biofacies, and contains conodont faunas that range from the Upper falsiovalis Zone into the Upper praesulcata Zone. However, they do not correlate well to the Late Devonian standard conodont zonation because of the lack of zonally diagnostic species and the irregular vertical distributions of the present taxa. Herein, 54 taxa belonging to nine genera are described and illustrated from the studied section. Icriodus adanaensis, Icriodus fekeensis, and Polygnathus antecompressus are the newly described species.
Late Devonian, conodont, Gümüşali formation, eastern Taurides, Turkey.
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ÇAPKINOĞLU, ŞENOL and GEDİK, İSMET (2000) "Late Devonian Conodont Fauna of the Gümüşali Formation, the Eastern Taurides, Turke," Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences: Vol. 9: No. 2, Article 3. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/earth/vol9/iss2/3