Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
Paleohistology of Dinosaur Bones From the Lameta Rocks (Maastrichtian), Near Bagh, Madhya Pradesh, India
Fragments of dinosaur bones associated with eggs have been recovered from the calcarous sandstones and cherty limestones of the Lameta Formation near Bagh, Madhya Padesh, India. Palehistological study of these bones reveals the fibrolamellar nature of the primary tissues and their affinity towards Sauropod group.
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JOSHI, Atul. V. (1997) "Paleohistology of Dinosaur Bones From the Lameta Rocks (Maastrichtian), Near Bagh, Madhya Pradesh, India," Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences: Vol. 6: No. 3, Article 5. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/earth/vol6/iss3/5