
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences

Facies Analysis on Deep-Sea, Shelf Complex: Kırkgeçit Formation (Middle Eocene-Oligecene), Baskil, Elazığ




The Midle Eocene, Oligocene Kırkgeçit Formation located in the west of elazığ, with a strike of northeast to southwest exhibits a complex depositional feature, consisting of broadly deep-sea facies associations and fewly shelf ones. The basin formed due to block faultings at the back-arc in the begining of Middle Eocene. Particularly, the northern margin of the basin is tectonically controlled during the terrigenous deposition periods. By a facies analysis inner, middle and outer parts of deep-sea fan, slope, basin plain, shelf and fore-shelf carbonate facies associations are ıdentified. The inner and middle fan facies associations occuring in the lower and middle parts of the sequence are contitutes approximately 2/3 of the total thickness. The inner and middle fan cahnnels are incides mainly with conglomerates. The most indicative feature of the outer fan sediments is alternation of thickening upward sequences. these sediments are well developed in the west of the study area. The carbonate shelf occuring at the upper levels of the measured sections extends in the form of a norrow zone along the northern margins of the basin. the fore-shelf carbonates consist of calcarenite, calsirudite and carbonate mudstone altenations. The slope deposits are represented by thick-bedded, coarse-grained, fossiliferous calcarenite-carbonate mudstone and conglomeratic shoal channel fill and occasionally slide and slump structures. Hemipelagic and pelagic sediments are dominant in the basin plan association. The faceies analysis has shown that the Kırgeçit formation is, as the whole, a shoaling upward sequence.

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