Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
Volume 5, Number 1 (1996)
The Geology and Coal Petrography of Miocene Lacustrine Lignites and Permian Bituminous Coals from the Karapinar Area, Sariz-TURKEY
Ali İhsan KARAYİĞİT and Yasin AKDAĞ
Pages 1-10
Northern Margin of the Gediz Graben: Age and evolution, west Turkey
Pages 11-23
Distribution of Small Scale Sedimentary Cycles Throughout Several Selected Basins
Attila ÇİNER
Pages 25-37
Stable Isotope (O, H and C) Studies and the Origin of the Mineralising Fluid in the Vein Type Antimony Deposits in the Turhal Area, Turkey
Ahmet GÖKÇE and Baruch SPIRO
Pages 39-43
Determination of Extension Directions in Naturally Deformed Limestones within Strike-slip Fault Zones Using Microfractures; Niksar basin (Turkey) as a case Study
Pages 45-53
Granulite Facies Gneisses from the Pulur Region, Eastern Pontides
Aral I. OKAY
Pages 55-61

- Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Orhan TATAR Sivas Cumhuriyet University
- Associate Editor-in-Chief
- Prof. Dr. Baochun HUANG Peking University, P.R. China