
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences

Author ORCID Identifier

MUHİTTİN ŞENALP: 0000-0003-2144-0091

SEMA TETİKER: 0000-0001-5158-7364




In 1989, the first prolific hydrocarbon reservoirs were discovered by Saudi Aramco in the highly porous and permeable friable continental sandstones (Unayzah reservoirs) and shallow marine carbonates (Khuff reservoirs) of the Paleozoic successions in south of Riyadh, Central Arabia. These successions were strongly affected by tectonic movements (Caledonian and Hercynian orogenesis) and Early and Late Paleozoic Gondwana glaciations. Therefore, some sections were fully eroded or significantly reduced in their thickness. The sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the Paleozoic successions helped to understand the depositional environments and regional distribution of the source, reservoir and cap rock facies in an improved palynologic studies. Hydrocarbons were discovered with the Late Permian continental sandstones of the Unayzah Formation, the glaciogenic sandstones of the Late Ordovician Sarah Formation in Saudi Arabia, Late Silurian Hazro reservoir in Southeast Türkiye and the cold desert eolian sandstones of the Permo-Carboniferous Haradh Formation. Potential source rock facies of the Qusaiba Shale Member in Saudi Arabia and the hot shale facies of the Dadaş Formation in Southeast Türkiye were deposited at the base of the Early Silurian regional transgression (444 Ma) during the melting phase of the huge Gondwana ice mass. The hydrocarbons migrated downwards into the glaciogenic reservoir sandstones due to the hydrostatic pressure provided a useful depositional environment model. The hydrocarbon discoveries have provided core and well log data for regional correlations. Every aspect of the sequence stratigraphy was investigated and various types unconformities, sequence boundaries, glaciation periods and maximum flooding surfaces were recognized and correlated between Middle East countries. The relationship between the sea level fluctuations and sediment supply into the basin was established by the regressive (progradational) and transgressive parasequences and parasequence sets. This genetic sequence stratigraphic approach has significantly increased the hydrocarbon explorations and production in the entire Arabian Platform.


hydrocarbon migration, maximum flooding surfaces, reservoir rocks, Sequence boundary, source rocks, system tract

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